Document properties
Set one or multiple document properties.
Parameter | Description |
applicationTemplate | string Template of an application |
author | string Author of the presentation |
category | string Category of the presentation |
comments | string Comments of the presentation |
company | string Company |
contentStatus | string Content status of the presentation |
contentType | string Content type of the presentation |
title | string Title of the presentation |
hyperlinkBase | string HyperlinkBase document property |
keywords | string Keywords of the presentation |
lastSavedBy | string Name of a last person who modified a presentation |
manager | string Manger property |
nameOfApplication | string Name of the application |
presentationFormat | string Intended format of a presentation |
revisionNumber | int32 Presentation revision number |
sharedDoc | bool Determines whether the presentation is shared between multiple people |
subject | string Subject of the presentation |